
Friday 20 January 2012

Graphics Retail Project: Cross Stitch experiment

Cross Stitch experiment

Cross stitching is 'X' shaped stitched put together to create a pattern. Above is an example of a fairly simple looking cross stitch letter found on Cross stitching is a very popular method of weaving, and when done by hand can sometimes take many days to create.

I wanted to experiment with the cross-stitching technique, but to create a logo design. Above are my cross-stitch experiments created in Adobe Illustrator. I used the repetitive 'X' shape to create the letter 'A' as it is the first letter in 'ALBOE' my shop name. I then went on to filling and outlining the 'X' shape, to create the pattern which makes up the letter 'A'. Although, I like how the outcome of this experiment, I think I will conduct further experiments, to find out a different way to create my logo. This I believe would not be that effective for my type of shop (a fancy dress boutique).

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