Creating Clothes for ALBOE Character
After looking at the
McDonald's 'Happy Meal' packaging, I decided I wanted to trail and experiment with the 'cutting out pieces' type game. My packaging will allow buyers to cut out items of clothing for the company character to wear. My packaging is a basic two part open top box, but I hope for the surface design to be full of design.
ALBOE clothes taken apart using Adobe Photoshop.

Here I edited the trousers of my character using a previously created collage. I used different 'Live Trace' tools on Adobe Illustrator, to create different effects on the collage.

Although it might just look like a weird shape, this is the top for the character ALBOE. I previously created some patterns on paper, so scanned them in and then edited it using Adobe Photoshop. I then went on the experimenting with Live Trace on Adobe Illustrator. It looks a little untidy, but I think once put onto the character it would look a little better.
The character I previously drew and edited in Adobe Illustrator is now the company character (see previous posts), and this box will allow people to play around with dressing it up. I thought this would be a good idea because my idea is a fancy dress boutique, so having a dressing up game on the packaging is relevant to the shop idea. This will not only be a game for the children. The box is for holding costumes and outfits they purchase from the fancy dress boutique, so both adult and children customers will use this box.
(The designed pieces of clothing put onto the ALBOE character logo)
My fancy dress boutique is also not solely aimed at only a children market, I believe many adults will purchase costumes from the shop for themselves and others. These adults may be interested in something fun and this packaging will hopefully offer that plus it is something creative and playful. When thinking of fancy dress it is usually associated with playtime, or childish behaviors. Having a box such as I plan will hopefully bring out the child within in the adult buyer, as fancy often does the same.
These images show how I have progressed after creating the ALBOE Character. I will now go out to designing each of the outfits, to make them more exciting.